
intro to forex trading course

Additional Information

Pathways "INTRO TO THE FOREX MARKET COURSE" is a 20 unit course downloadable on a PDF file.  Written by our top traders at Pathway. In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of the Forex Market along with strategies, mindsets, how to read charts, candlesticks, and many other useful skills needed to get started in trading foreign currencies.  The course is available FOR FREE

Getting into the Forex market can be scary and difficult, but with the right mentoring and education that we provide here at Pathway, we strive nothing more than for our students and followers to be successful. That's why in this course we focus a lot on mindset and making sure you understand the basic terms and tools when it comes to trading in the Forex market. To help you see if trading is the right fit for you. This course will also give you a more simple way to learn and understand the basic of Forex to jump start your trading journey. 

We mention that Forex is not a get rich quick scheme. As you can make X amount of money you can also loss X amount money just as quick.  Trading is an investment and just like many investments, there can be risk and trading is definitely a risk. When a trader is uneducated and doesn't have the proper skills that's where it's risky and when most people lose money. Unfortunately, this is one of the reasons Forex has a bad name. But with the right education that we teach at Pathway our students can build the skill that comes over time with practice and proper education in the markets. This is where a trader can grow to be successful with low risk and loses! 

For more tips and tricks make sure to follow our social media accounts to test your knowledge! Keep up to date with us by joining our mailing list. 


If you want to learn more then check out our in-person classes. If you are in our area book a class to experience in-person coaching to enhance your learning into the Forex market. Get real feedback from our top traders and trade aside them in real time.


intro to penny stock trading course

About course content

This is a long form text area designed for your content that you can fill up with as many words as your heart desires. You can write articles, long mission statements, company policies, executive profiles, company awards/distinctions, office locations, shareholder reports, whitepapers, media mentions and other pieces of content that don’t fit into a shorter, more succinct space.

Articles – Good topics for articles include anything related to your company – recent changes to operations, the latest company softball game – or the industry you’re in. General business trends (think national and even international) are great article fodder, too.

Mission statements – You can tell a lot about a company by its mission statement. Don’t have one? Now might be a good time to create one and post it here. A good mission statement tells you what drives a company to do what it does.

Company policies – Are there company policies that are particularly important to your business? Perhaps your unlimited paternity/maternity leave policy has endeared you to employees across the company. This is a good place to talk about that.

Executive profiles – A company is only as strong as its executive leadership. This is a good place to show off who’s occupying the corner offices. Write a nice bio about each executive that includes what they do, how long they’ve been at it, and what got them to where they are.

What is Pathways "INTO to Day trading courses"